* A comprehensive and system-wide science of teaching—post modern-postmodern!* Tested procedures that result in four to seven times more learning for allstudents* Tested procedures for supervisors to use with teachers that result insignificant student learning* Tested procedures for providing the highest accountability* A systems approach for schooling problems that provide solutions ratherthan blame* Parent approved and parent requested educational practices* Means for psychologists to work with teachers and students to solvebehavior and learning problems* A comprehensive systems science of schooling* An advanced and sophisticated science of pedagogy and curriculum design* Students who are not being served with traditional education can meet orexceed the performance of their more fortunate peers,* Supervisors can mentor teachers and therapists to provide state of thescience instruction* Parent education can create a professional setting for parents, educators,and therapists to work together in the best interests of the student,* Teachers and supervisors who measure as they teach produce significantlybetter outcomes for students,* Systemic solutions to instructional and behavioral problems involvingteachers, parents, supervisors provide means to pursue problems to theirsolution,* A science of teaching, as opposed to an art of teaching, can provide aneducational system that treats the students and the parents as the clients.
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